Phase 3: Close-out Report and Video

What happens at the end of your project.

The Project Catalyst Close-out Report is a comprehensive document summarising and finalising project outcomes.

The report typically includes both a video and a written component.

The project catalyst community can also use the close-out report to evaluate the project's overall impact and see how your project met its goals.

Furthermore, the report is a valuable resource for your organisation as it can be used as an example and guidance for the next steps or future projects.

Close-out video

The video is a 5-minute summary of the project's most significant successes, challenges, and lessons learned. It is meant to be a short, compelling summary of the most critical parts of the project.

The video can include a slideshow presentation with overviews of different KPIs, the solution you help solve, and key findings. This critical component enables the Cardano community to clearly visualise what was achieved through the project and how it can derive or deliver more value to or from Cardano.

Written report

The written portion is a more detailed report examining the project.

It should have information about the project's goals, deliverables, scope, and objectives and any relevant data and metrics showing its impact. The report should also talk about what was learned or gained from the project and make suggestions for future projects.

Content of your close-out report

Questions needed to be answered in your close-out report:

  • Name of the project

  • The project Id

  • Date the project started

  • Date the project was completed

  • Challenge Brief

  • Problem Statment

  • Solution

  • List of project KPIs and deliverables and how the project addressed them

  • Result

  • Key findings

  • Next steps and plan going forward

After submitting your close-out report

Once the report is turned in, the project is considered done, and the final payment will be made.

Last updated